31 Jan 2024
Drytac has just released its latest blog focused on transitioning from a ‘just in time’ to a ‘just in case’ supply chain model.

Drytac - Transitioning from ‘Just in Time’ to ‘Just in Case’

Whether you are working in the print industry or another sector, it is highly likely that you will have been impacted by the well-documented supply chain issues and raw material shortages in recent years.

HP Latex has seen developments with much work being done on bio-based solvent and vegetable oil inks.

LFR on the now unavoidable need for greener printing

‘Sustainability’, ‘green’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ have been among some of the key buzzwords in the print industry in recent years - and even more as we move in to the post-pandemic era - as an increasing amount of printing businesses adjust the way they operate to adopt more planet friendly practices.

Perhaps no Kornit partner exemplifies this proposition better than Fashion-Enter, which employs both Kornit DTG and direct-to-fabric production systems to educate.

Kornit on-demand production facilitates reshoring opportunity

A recent article in Vogue Business, “Could Digital Printing Ease Supply Chain Disruptions,” observes the trend of bringing major manufacturing operations back to EMEA, briefly seen as a stopgap measure to mitigate complications arising from the pandemic economy.

Dennis Leblanc, Senior Business Development Manager, North America, at Drytac discusses the merits of grey and clear adhesives.

Drytac talk on the merits of grey and clear adhesives

Selecting materials and media for a print job can be a tricky process, with the pressure firmly on the print service provider to ensure they make the right choice and achieve a high-quality result.

Another Ricoh client is now processing a broader range of jobs more efficiently and expanding its range of services to include printing on packaging and various promotional items.

Ricoh blog on - How disciplined is your operation?

Is your operation as disciplined as it could be? Is it able to deliver value to your clients in a clear way? Does it have an identifiable value discipline?

When it comes to offering remote technical assistance, Nazdar Ink Technologies is one of the leading providers in the entire industry.

Nazdar on how clients benefit from remote technical service

Remote working is something that many of us have become used to in recent years, with the pandemic having forced staff out of the office and into working from home.