31 Jan 2024

Going, Going Greener – Antalis encourages sustainable signage

Key solutions from Antalis include Priplak, an ideal for retailers who have a high turnover of signage.

Amid recent furore around plastic waste in the UK, Antalis is encouraging customers to take the transition towards more sustainable visual communications media – while stating that there is still a huge task ahead in rendering it a cost-effective, viable alternative for mainstream adoption.

Since the start of the year the UK media has been awash with headlines around plastic waste amid revelations that 86%1 of plastic collected over the last year was not recycled and the Blue Planet claim that 8m tonnes of the stuff ends up in our oceans2. As a result, businesses, particularly retailers, are coming under mounting pressure to optimise their green credentials and alleviate plastic use on all fronts.

With this in mind, Antalis is reminding signmakers and commercial printers of the more eco-friendly visual communication media alternatives available to recommend to their customers, and the role they can play in improving environmental performance and reducing costs.

Chris Green, Head of Channel for Visual Communications at Antalis, said: “Amid government pressures and an increasingly green-conscious consumer profile, the reality is that the plastic waste issue is only going to become more and more pertinent for UK retailers and businesses.

“That’s why, at Antalis, we have taken up the mantel when it comes to more eco-friendly visual communications by investing in a number of product ranges that can help our customers meet their environmental requirements, specifically those with high volume requirements.”

Key solutions from Antalis include Priplak, an ideal for retailers who have a high turnover of signage. A strong yet flexible plastic polypropylene sheet, Priplak offers high performance while being environmentally sound – it is a constructed from a plastic free from halogens, chlorine and plastifiers, such as phthalates. Further adding to its green credentials, it can also be recycled many times without any significant change in its physical properties and the Priplak R100 range is actually made from 100% recycled post-industrial polypropylene. Also, once finished, it can be recycled, or burnt or added to landfill, without any risk of toxic substances harming the environment or people’s health.

Another good green option is DISPA; a sign and display board perfect for short-term, in-door displays, which offers an ideal ecological position. A 100% cellulose fibre product, DISPA is made by 3A composites with unique embossed internal layers which ensure maximum stability and flatness while being 100% recyclable FSC-certified paper. It’s smooth, bright-white printable surface is a quality robust alternative to plastic products, allowing retailers to maximise both the environmental and financial benefits of recycling.

Chris adds: “While we fully encourage a transition towards sustainable visual communication solutions, the reality is that there is still a huge job to do in a promoting the cultural shift needed for mainstream adoption. Importantly, investment in innovation is key, in order to ensure a comprehensive suite of true green alternatives – an area which Antalis continues to invest in. Also, while the Government recently pledged to eradicate all avoidable plastic by 2042, this needs to be supported through greater investment in recycling facilities and infrastructure.

“In the meantime, the recommendation is for commercial printers, signmakers and POS manufacturers to steal the march by recommending the ecologically-friendly, recyclable products that are now available in order to help their customers to decrease their sign and display landfill waste, save money and optimise their green credentials.”