31 Jan 2024

EFI Hosts Free Webinars for Europe

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"Win with EFI" Series Provides Tips to Digital and Superwide Format Printers for Managing Business Successfully in 2010

As a difficult year draws to an end for most people in the print media industry, EFI® invites printers from Europe to sign up for a series of free-of-charge webinars where EFI's executives and technical specialists will provide insight in market developments, and how companies can take advantage of them to manage their business for success. The four webinar sessions will take place in December. Anyone can register for the "Win with EFI" webcasts via www.efi.com/euwin to learn more about topics including:

  • productivity and ease of use for new digital printing applications
  • digital label printing choices and considerations
  • gaining control of your colour supply chain
  • turning superwide format productivity into business success

Eighteen million digital printing professionals can't be wrong
Monday 7 December, 3pm CET

In this webinar, presenters Terry Garvey and Philip Linstead will guide listeners through core digital printing applications and technologies and explain their benefits. With eighteen million users worldwide, EFI's Fiery digital print solutions are the most widespread print workflow. The webinar gives a concise overview on what Fiery can do for your business now and in the future, with a sneak preview into what's coming!
To register, go to www.efi.com/euwin

Digital label printing choices and considerations
Tuesday 8 December, 3 p.m. CET

Label printing is full of choices - analogue or digital? UV inkjet or toner? VDP? white ink? This webinar by Sean Skelly and Jason Oliver looks at the dazzling array of solutions out on the market and touches upon advantages using EFI Jetrion UV inkjet systems, such as cost savings, minimising waste and producing high-quality work that rivals analogue processes. They also discuss short-run printing opportunities in many lucrative markets such as pharma, food and beverage, and durable labels. Includes a brief overview of EFI's financing offerings for label printing systems.
To register, go to www.efi.com/euwin

Gaining Control of the Colour Supply Chain
Thursday 10 December, 3 p.m. CET

Producing sophisticated printing products from design through production to output is not much different from a classic supply chain - except digital colour is the focus. This webinar discusses how XF Solutions facilitate the seamless exchange of colour jobs between all pertinent parties regardless of location, while still guaranteeing consistent colour output and the benefits of remote proofing will be addressed with Web Control Center, a web-based application that connects, monitors and controls proofing and printing at all remote sites in a production workflow. This is a must-attend webinar presented by Oliver Luedtke and Frank Hueske for anybody who wants to understand how big brands control their print jobs.
To register, go to www.efi.com/euwin

Turning superwide format productivity into business success
Friday 11 December, 3 p.m. CET

Some superwide format digital printers are faster than others, but how do you take this speed and high performance and turn it into profit to improve your bottom line? This Webinar offers helpful tips from Ken van Horn and Emmanuel Swolfs on achieving these two goals using EFI VUTEk® printers and inks. It also discusses practical tips on how to make a printer work to its capacity. Includes a brief overview of EFI's financing offerings for superwide printing systems.

"I think it is a good thing EFI are now bringing their 'Win with EFI'  webinars to our time zone," said Mark Evans, Operations Director at DS Smith Multigraphics in Bradford, England. "We specialise in retail print and display work for very demanding customers, and meet their demands using a portfolio of EFI technology, including VUTEk printers, EFI RIPs, proofing and management information software. I am looking forward to hearing how EFI sees markets and technologies develop next."

To register for the 'Win with EFI' webinars, go to www.efi.com/euwin