31 Jan 2024

Design world love the concept of structured wallpaper

Design world love the concept of structured wallpaper.

Phew, that was a long but very constructive four days at 100% Design. We have all come away from the show feeling really positive thanks to the reaction we had to our Dimense wallpaper samples.

Designers young and old, trendy and traditional, stopped at our booth and showed genuine interest in the concept we were trying to get across. The message this sends, particularly to those printing companies looking to gain a unique edge on their competitors, is that this is a product that connects with designers.

The show itself is quite something. Products from the bazaar to the beautiful were on show throughout Olympia. For us it was a great chance to part of this industry and get more of an insight into what makes it tick. We are of course used to shows that are much more about presenting products and services to companies that are looking for them. At this show, we are dealing with people looking for ideas and inspiration.

At that level, I really feel we made a connection with the industry. Dimense wallcovering has to be seen and touched in order to truly understand the product and its potential. That was the feedback we received from hundreds of designers over the last week and this is what we are now committed to communicating to the companies that are looking to invest in this new technology.