31 Jan 2024

ArtPro+ 18 ready for production – and training is free!

Experience the new features of ArtPro+ in an exclusive classroom training session for users only.

Esko is pleased to announce a free ArtPro+ training class, scheduled for September 4th in Narborough, Leicestershire.

Space is limited, so reserve yours now. And be sure to let us know the specific features that are of most interest to you so we can customize your experience.

Conducted by product manager Frank Woltering, and supported by our local team of experts, this session will teach you ArtPro+ basics with a focus on the key innovations that make the latest editor the most intuitive and productive to date.

ArtPro+ is a free upgrade for ArtPro and PackEdge users with a maintenance contract – no need to purchase and learn an entirely new system! With a mix of classroom learning and hands-on practice, you’ll be able to use what you learn, and you’ll be ready to hit the ground running as soon as you return to work.

Register today and we hope to see you there!

Note: Registration is limited to 30 students, one per company.